Home Branch News
Spring Forward
Daylight Savings Time begins March 9th. Move your clocks 1 hour ahead.
Lenten Schedule
3/2 9 am Transfiguration Sunday w/ Communion
3/5 7 pm Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Worship Service @ Bethel
3/9 9 am 1st Sunday in Lent
3/12 6pm 1st Ecumenical Lenten Devotion w/ meal @ WU UMC
3/19 6 pm 2nd Ecumenical Lenten Devotion w/ meal @ Bethel
3/26 6pm 3rd Ecumenical Lenten Devotion w/ meal @ WU UMC
4/2 6 pm 4th Ecumenical Lenten Devotion w/ meal @ Bethel
4/9 6pm 5th Ecumenical Lenten Devotion w/ meal @ WU UMC
4/17 7pm Ecumenical Maundy Thursday Service @ WU UMC
4/18 7pm Ecumenical Good Friday Service @ Bethel
4/19 TBA Ecumenical Easter egg Hunt @ WU Rec Center
4/20 9am Easter Sunday Worship
Memorial Easter Lilies
A sign-up sheet will be available in the Narthex March 9th.
Please check the sheet for wording for the memory of/honoring and note any change.
You may sign-up, call the office, or email:
Iowa United Methodist Foundation
IUMF scholarship deadline is March 31st.
Winter Weather Cancellation
We hope to be able to hold services every Sunday, however; it is winter in Iowa. Your safety is upmost, so if you feel it unsafe or unwise for you to addend service, please stay home.
The announcement will be posted on KWWL (ch 7), KGAN (ch 2) and KCRG (ch 9) television stations.
Also on radio stations KOEL 92.3 FM/950 AM and KNEI 103.5 FM.
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Friday Office Closed
Open Hands Food Pantry
Open Hands Food Pantry is held Tuesdays at the West Union United Methodist Church from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm. The door is around to the back of the church and down the sidewalk. You can email openhandswu@gmail.com or find Open Hands Food Pantry on Facebook for more information.
Mobile Food Pantry
The Mobile Food Pantry is now being held the second Monday of every month from 4:30 to 5:30 pm at Crossfire Church.